Ramen Taizan Fuji Nakazato en Fuji

JapónRamen Taizan Fuji Nakazato



🕗 horarios

2566-21 Nakazato, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0826, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 545-33-2888
sitio web: www.instagram.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1394005, Longitude: 138.740431

comentarios 5

  • 杉かおり



    Inside the dark store, retro toys and posters are pasted on the walls. You can eat in a calm atmosphere. Each type of ramen has its own unique flavor, so you can enjoy it according to your mood. Many men eat ramen with a hearty texture, but there are a wide variety of ramen that women like, such as salt-based (shrimp) ramen and soy sauce-based ramen. This time I had regular soy sauce ramen with curly noodles. The tsukemen my son was eating was huge.

  • Art’ Kc

    Art’ Kc


    I received the Kuroyama and Char Siu Bowl Mini. First of all, for the ramen, you can choose between straight noodles or curly noodles, and I chose curly noodles. (You may be asked if you want to add garlic.) As for the taste, the soy sauce has a rich flavor, and the garlic comes out better than other restaurants. As for the noodles, they have just the right hardness, chewiness, and elasticity, giving you the feeling that you are actually eating them. It also goes well with the soup ⭕️ When it was first brought to you, the bowl seemed a little small, didn't it? However, when I tried eating it, it turned out to be more than I expected, and it filled my stomach. Next is the chashu rice bowl, and the sauce is sweet and slightly burnt, making it fragrant and delicious. Also, it's surprisingly easy to eat, so you can eat it all in one go. I think it was delicious overall, but I felt that the price of the mini chashu bowl did not match the quantity. I felt that the quantity was small for 350 yen. As you can see from the ticket vending machine, there are many types of ramen, so I would like to try other ramen as well. 6 seats at the table There are approximately 12 counter seats.

  • kaze nekono

    kaze nekono


    Shizuoka Fuji City Nakazato R1 Numazu bypass MEGA Don Quijote Being a mega store, the parking lot is large and the variety of Donki items is also mega. Ramen shop attached to Donki Ramen Daisen Where is the main store? There are stores in Ebina SA and Kawasaki, so I was wondering if there were several stores... There are two stores in Kanagawa, one in Mito, Coco Fuji Nakazato store was the main store! I did not know. (;^ω^) Buy a ticket at the ticket vending machine. The counter is in the shape of a U-shape in an izakaya-style store. I ordered... Unique to Fuji main store? Suruga salt soba 980 yen when handing over the ticket The noodles are curly or thick. Do you want to add garlic for the firmness of the noodles? Curly noodles only...request. Since it's a salted chili sauce, I thought it would be a light dish. Two types of huge chashu. The rare ones are stuck to the bowl. This is Oyama's style. What should I, who usually avoids meat, do? Of course, I will eat it without mercy! It's meaty. . Suruga salt soba... More than meat. It tastes like sakura shrimp. This is delicious.

  • sakuchin



    I visited for lunch! It's like buying a ticket at the ticket vending machine at the entrance and taking your seat! I went there wanting to try the “Takenoko Ramen” made by Mr. Kazeoka, also known as the Takenoko King, and topped with bamboo shoots✨ ←It's a limited time menu and will be retired this summer, so if you haven't tried Kazeoka's bamboo shoots yet, please try them 😊 It's soft and delicious The ramen is also salty, but it is rich and delicious. Other options include ``large noodle pork ramen'' “𓆡Fugu Dashi Ramen” Refreshing flavor with yuzu flavor Everything was delicious😋

  • Bill Gallagher

    Bill Gallagher


    When you enter you must select what you want to eat by using the vending machine. The machine is in Japanese and I am not sure if they have English. The walls have old toys, photos of famous people and there are multiple stars wars themed items. The workers are very friendly and the service is quick. The ramen was quite tasty and each type of ramen has a distinctive flavor.

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