籠と風呂敷 (ハーモニー) en Fujinomiya

Japón籠と風呂敷 (ハーモニー)


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25-7 Higashichō, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0077, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 544-27-1351
sitio web: www.instagram.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.221551, Longitude: 138.617779

comentarios 5

  • M



    I wasn't able to go there due to parking issues, but since it closes in May and I'm going to Nagoya, I wanted to eat there before then. In a compact car for this day. There was also a parking lot in front of the store. Arrived at 11:08 on weekdays. Nobody is here. I came here about 15 minutes before opening. Paul enters the store. There was no seating information, so I just stood there not knowing what to do after entering. Apparently you can sit in any vacant seat. ◆2 kinds of assortment 1600 yen *Nibopork *Green pepper keema *Small amount (rice 150g) - 50 yen ◆Chai 200 yen It's hot so I'll have some chai first. Spicy and delicious! I'm glad they have a little curry. At first, eat the papad crisply as is, then split the rest and serve with the curry. Is Nibo Pork made with dried sardines? There is, and it is delicious! The pork is soft and bite-sized, making it easy to eat. Yummy! ! I saw bamboo shoots posted on Instagram and they looked delicious, so I decided to use the green pepper keema. Too delicious! I don't like spicy food, so I thought both were quite spicy, but as I continued to eat them, they were just right and not so much that I couldn't eat them. There were various types of achar and they were all delicious! I have no choice but to chase this to Nagoya and eat it! PayPay possible Cashless payment possible 4 counter seats 4 tables 2 to 3 spaces in front of the store, 1 space in the back of the temple parking lot on the north side, and several spaces on the right as you enter west from the fire tank on the north side.

  • 電撃スマッシュ



    I visited for lunch after enjoying camping at Lake Tanuki. It's a store with a nice atmosphere from the outside. First of all, I had the Indian Aooni, which had a refreshing taste that came through my nose. I had two types of curry: chicken and beef tendon. The use of spices was wonderful and I felt like I was eating a meal that was good for my body. Not only are they very particular about the ingredients, but the balance and harmony is just as the name of the restaurant suggests.I enjoyed the delicious food. I would love to hear from you again.

  • ジュンシコン



    When I passed by after 11:00, I had no idea if it would be open, but when I arrived at 11:30, the storefront was open. We may be closed for events, so we recommend checking our Instagram. I ate two types of curry, and it was enough for someone in their 40s. Also, it had a nice smell of spices, but the spiciness was just right and it was very delicious. You can order chai for 100 yen. (Although the amount is small) There aren't many spice curry restaurants in eastern Shizuoka, so I hope they try their best.

  • Parker Vandermeer

    Parker Vandermeer


    Tasty Japanese curry. Very friendly owners. The menu includes sardine, chicken, chicken cashew, and deer curry. The Mango Lassi was also delicious. Worth checking out if in the area!




    I made it with 2 types. We chose Kagofuro's pork curry reform and lemon chicken. It's been a long time since I've had a curry like this, it's been about 4 years since I had it at Tsukinowa in Osaka... The two types of curry I chose had a fairly gentle flavor, and personally, I thought I would have liked something a little more spicy or curry-like. I didn't know what kind of curry they had today until I entered the store, so next time I have a chance to go, I'd like to check Instagram to see what kind of curry they have today before going.

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