Ralsemart en Otaru




🕗 horarios

5-chōme-9-15 Irifune, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0021, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 134-27-1178
sitio web: www.arcs-g.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.1847489, Longitude: 140.9885248

comentarios 5

  • toe chang

    toe chang


    Not only this shop, but many Lars shops feel old. I don't really like it.

  • Okiraku



    It's crowded and the aisles are wide.




    I've been using this store several times a week since I moved nearby. I don't think fresh food is very fresh. Vegetables that have been roasted are still available in the store. The fish meat is pretty good. I once bought something I thought was a discount in the prepared food section, but it turned out to be past its expiration date. Isn't the store clerk looking carefully? In the evening, poorly groomed and filthy men are seen discounting prices. I don't buy prepared foods at this store.

  • zerosiki momojiri

    zerosiki momojiri


    I don't know if they are aiming for the world's fastest cash register, but there is a cash register clerk who handles products roughly. I'm not saying it's actually fast, but it's acting like it's fast. I'd rather they handle the products with care than speed. I'm paying money to buy things that you're shoddy with! ! If things don't get better, I'm thinking of filing a complaint with the head office.

  • go jasper

    go jasper


    I think it has a good selection for a nearby grocery store. The prices are generally high, but there are no super cheap supermarkets in Otaru. If it's nearby, it can be considered a good supermarket. We have managed to secure a spot in the parking lot. How will the delivery truck get in and out if it snows?

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