Ralse Mart in Otaru

JapanRalse Mart



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-8 Katsuraokachō, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0264, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 134-62-1212
webseite: www.arcs-g.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.142905, Longitude: 141.145791

kommentare 5

  • たけのこみつる



    It's also a part-time job for high school students, and it's convenient because they store most of your daily shopping items. The bread from the bakery is delicious and I end up buying too much 😂 There used to be a lot of different tenants, but now there's a flower shop, a barber, a drug store, and a dry cleaner. (The bakery moved from a separate store to a corner store, but baking was still done in the original kitchen.)

  • お得ROOM



    I guess the price is quite high 😅 It's convenient that there are 100 yen stores and other stores in other genres as well! If you want to purchase daily necessities at home at a bargain price, you can also purchase them from my profile QR (screenshot → enlarge to read) with an average 20% return, so be sure to check it out as well.




    This is a medium-sized supermarket located along National Route 5 in Katsuraoka-cho, Otaru City. In addition to food, there are also clothing and miscellaneous goods. There are also tenants: a drug store and a flower shop. A barber shop has recently opened, making it even more convenient.

  • aya



    The parking lot is large and I go there often. They have a wide variety of items and are cheap. However, I am concerned about the customer service of the store staff recently. I ended up queuing up for a store clerk who was very helpful.

  • Matthew Ebrey

    Matthew Ebrey


    It's a supermarket.

nächste Supermarkt

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