LUCKY @ Yamanote in Sapporo

JapanLUCKY @ Yamanote



🕗 öffnungszeiten

7-chōme-1-28 Yamanote 1 Jō, Nishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 063-0001, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 11-631-6336
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.0645798, Longitude: 141.3002377

kommentare 5

  • TAT S

    TAT S


    Lucky is a relatively high class restaurant with regional characteristics. Features include delicious-looking Wagyu beef, imported side dishes, and a rich lineup of wines. I come here occasionally on Saturdays and Sundays, but it's always crowded. The parking lot is crowded, but there are only a few spaces available, so you won't have to wait.

  • Zachary Hubbell

    Zachary Hubbell


    Wonderful large supermarket. Great prepared food section, as well as a dedicated bakery. Wine and beer choices are also numerous. Plenty of attached parking.

  • lamia alkamel

    lamia alkamel


    Comfortable and suitable place for shopping

  • Istvan Steve Lorincz

    Istvan Steve Lorincz


    Renewed, refurbished supermarket. After renewal the prices went up like rockets there, what they try to balance with time by time instant noodle sales and other cheap goodies. But they have a not bad at all bakery: Farine. Especially AM time 10ish 11ish when the baked pastries are coming out of the oven, there in the midst of great flavors, it is recommended to have a seat in the Eat In section and enjoy a warm croissant with a café.

  • yoi



    High quality grocery market. A little expensive.

nächste Supermarkt

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