ラ・ボア・ラクテ en Kawagoe




🕗 horarios

22-5 Wakitahonchō, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1123, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 120-657-739
sitio web: www.lvl.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.9079895, Longitude: 139.480194

comentarios 5

  • 鹿野雅士



    March 8, 2024 I used it at a farewell party for my retirement. There were about 50 people in attendance, and the venue was spacious and beautiful. The food was also delicious. Although alcohol was restricted, I was able to get comfortably drunk.

  • カッシーカッシー



    We reserved the 4th floor for exclusive use as a venue for the reunion. How many people will come as secretaries? Although I was having a hard time understanding what they were doing, they were very helpful with their friendly pricing structure. Since you only have to pay for the number of people attending, it's great that you can easily handle last-minute cancellations and additions. Was everyone too excited on the day? Is it because the conversation is loud? , The volume of the microphones in the venue should have been increased. It would have been helpful if the staff could give me advice and point out things along the way. After the session, some participants complained that the volume was too low to hear. We hope that this information will be helpful to those who will be using the venue in the future. Other than that, the staff were friendly and helpful.

  • H Y

    H Y


    A wedding venue with a Showa (bubble) atmosphere. It can also be used for meetings with social gatherings. Conveniently located near the station. It is affiliated with a multi-story parking lot called Park 1, and you can receive 3 hours of service by using the facility.

  • Per Aspera Ad Astra

    Per Aspera Ad Astra


    A French Man is doing the Weddings there, very busy place because it is so close to the station but people told me it is expensive and the food is standard food, nothing special. Excellent location but some guests did not like it.

  • Guilherme Souza

    Guilherme Souza


    The food could be much, much better and not only fancy.

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