群馬銀行 東京支店 en Chuo City

Japón群馬銀行 東京支店



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-3-21 Nihonbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3271-3941
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6817075, Longitude: 139.7718694

comentarios 5

  • YO JI

    YO JI


    Visited to cancel my account. In my case, I needed a registered seal in addition to the bank seal, which was not written on the website. It may be better to check directly what you need to bring with you during the procedure. There are many parking meters around the area (most of them are 40 minutes), but the competition is high, so it's best to leave plenty of time.

  • cruizel mi

    cruizel mi


    I came here to cancel an old account. I researched what I needed in advance and clearly communicated my requirements at the counter, so the process went smoothly. Perhaps because I went in the morning on a weekday, there was almost no waiting time. As long as you do your homework properly, it won't take any extra effort or effort, so I think the people who are writing bad things are just not prepared enough. The counter staff was also very courteous.

  • Yam



    I don't recommend it. Yotsuya and Ueno branches were closed and integrated into the Tokyo branch. The nearest branch was gone, and even though I had traveled far to make time, I was asked repeatedly to "please come back again," and I was trying to transfer the response to the branch, saying, "I won't know unless I go to the branch." Internet banking is unique and difficult to use, and the response is slow and unfriendly. I am using a different account at a corporation, but I am getting tired of the changes in what I am told by the person in charge, the contact person, and the phone calls.

  • Fみや



    Seriously, what are you doing above this bank? Everyone at each branch or call center says different things. I can't believe there are people at the top who are paid to train employees at this level. Tokyo branch reception desk "If you set a one-time password for Internet banking, your transfer limit will automatically increase to 10 million yen." I lie and say This is "Do I have to do anything?" Even though I said that, I didn't even check it. Maybe you answered "yes" confidently and made a mistake... There are too many problems with the way we operate as a company.

  • Judy Lyn

    Judy Lyn


    Fantastic bank...I have been a customer since 1994.

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