七十七銀行 日本橋支店 en Chuo City

Japón七十七銀行 日本橋支店



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-5-3 Nihonbashikayabachō, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0025, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3666-1581
sitio web: www.77bank.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6808461, Longitude: 139.7795787

comentarios 5

  • M



    It is one of the few Miyagi Prefecture banks in Tokyo.

  • どんぐりコロコロ



    If you would like to go through any procedures, please call and make an appointment before visiting! Reservations from the website cannot be made at this branch. . . I ended up going twice, so please be careful (^^)

  • Elena



    ■77 Bank Nihonbashi Branch. ■The current building was opened for business in November 1987. ■The three photos are of the former building and were taken on April 14, 1985, just before it was demolished. ■Although it is small, it has a Renaissance style.

  • 晩鐘



    This is a branch in Tokyo of a regional bank based in Miyagi Prefecture. Although the Tokyo branch in Higashi Ginza is the main branch, the Nihonbashi branch has a much longer history and is closely related to the history of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. It seems that the branches in Shinjuku and Akabane have already closed, but this Nihonbashi branch, which characterizes the history of 77, is something I would like to see preserved.

  • kIT o-n

    kIT o-n


    For better or for worse, it is the leading bank in Miyagi Prefecture. It has little presence in Tokyo.

Banco más cercano

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