quatre épice Shizuoka i Shizuoka

Japanquatre épice Shizuoka



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-6-4 Tenjin, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0809, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-371-5020
internet side: www.quatre-epice.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0252647, Longitude: 138.4783478

kommentar 5

  • K T

    K T


    There are about 25 parking spaces next to the store. There is an eat-in space inside the store. No counter seats. There are many seats for 2 people, and there are also seats for 4 people. No Wi-Fi. Tell them if you want takeout or eat-in. If you are eating in, just order. Pay the bill after the meal. I was given a number tag and a slip, You will be shown to your seat. Shortcake Both cake and sponge are light. Delicious without being greasy. The square thing on top is a marshmallow. Considering the amount, the quantity is small. blend It's low in acidity and delicious.

  • # a

    # a


    The inside of the store was stylish and very cute. All the cakes in the showcase were sparkling and looked delicious, so I couldn't decide 🤦🏻‍♀️ The pudding was creamy, smooth, and delicious without being too sweet. Mont Blanc also had a mellow and rich chestnut cream that was so delicious🌰 I went in the summer, so I was glad that they had plum squash and it was refreshing. There was also a chocolate shop inside the store, so I wanted to try some.

  • Tobey Thapakorn

    Tobey Thapakorn


    Awesome, Great cake, lovely service (try to accommodate my broken/limited Japanese)

  • Lidia Ushakova

    Lidia Ushakova


    Really great atmosphere and beautiful original interior. Big choice of cakes and chocolate deserts, very delicious, but a little bit pricey.

  • Felix Löffler

    Felix Löffler


    A bit expensiv but really good cake&coffee and a very nice atmosphere.

nærmeste Cafe

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