223cafe i Shizuoka




🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-24-10 Takamatsu, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8034, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side: taita-corp.co.jp
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Latitude: 34.9567393, Longitude: 138.4202654

kommentar 5

  • Hirofumi M

    Hirofumi M


    I had iced coffee and pudding. It's a traditional hard pudding, and it's not too sweet, so you can eat it with fresh cream and it won't be boring. I can't recommend it to those who like smooth pudding, but for those who do, this is it! You should think so. It is attached to the "THE NORTH FACE/HELLY HANSEN" store.

  • a s

    a s


    When I come to Shizuoka, I often stop by Shizuoka's famous CAFE. After asking the staff that the name of CAFE is 223, Mt.Fuji, I realized that I could see Mt.Fuji from here. I always look forward to stopping by. The interior is cute and has a natural feel. The tables are spacious and the sofa seats are very relaxing. You can stay on a fluffy sofa You can also use it with friends or on a date. It's nice to stop by Kigal alone. It's a wonderful CAFE. What I received this time was Avocado and garlic shrimp toast With half and cake set, Dessert is mango and pineapple blancmange, The other one is Bryn. The color is a gradation, and it is a cute lemonade. I ordered herbal tea hot. The colors are very cute and refreshing like early summer. Aftertaste of lemonade and blancmange It was delicious and perfectly matched. Blancmange is made with coconut milk. It has a rich yet refreshing yogurt feel, so it's recommended for people who like fruit or don't like sweets. Lemonade is really delicious The sourness of the lemon and the sweetness are a perfect match. I chose it because the color was cute, It was more delicious than I expected and I was very satisfied! The main dish is garlic shrimp and avocado toast. Cheerfully and cheerfully, The toast feels chewy and crispy. Deliciousness. The shrimp were plump and the avocado was soooooooooooooooo delicious.☺️✨ The toast is thickly sliced, so it's very filling. Also, the fries that come with it are crunchy and delicious. The potatoes here are so delicious, it's recommended. On a sunny day, both from the CAFE and from the CAFE parking lot. You can see Mt. Fuji clearly, which is also one of the main points. A wonderful place to stop by when you come to Shizuoka CAFE. It's also great that you can enjoy the sweets that change with the seasons.

  • shia0021



    This is a cafe inside an outdoor wear store. It is located on a small rise at the back of the first floor. There is a parking lot in front of the store, but it seems to be quite full. Choose a deli plate. It's a little pricey, but the portions are good, and it might be a little too much for lunch and dessert. There is also a full cafe menu including cakes, pudding, and bean flowers. There seems to be a half set available only on weekdays, so it would be nice if it was available on holidays as well. There are some seats facing outside, but the view from inside the restaurant makes it a bit uncomfortable.

  • # a

    # a


    This is a cafe with an open feel attached to THE NORTH FACE☕️ You can choose from four types of lunch, and choose cake from the showcase. There is also a half set of main dish and cake, which is recommended for those who want to enjoy both ✨️ All of them are voluminous and the vegetables are fresh and delicious! The bagels for salad lunch are from MOUNTAIN BAKE next door🥯, which makes me happy. All of the cakes were delicious, but the matcha Basque cheesecake was the best. ♡(About a year ago) It's a shame that it's gone because it's only available for a limited time 🥲 It's a recommended place just for the cafe❕

  • Capy



    I hadn’t eaten apple pie since I came to Japan a year ago. I ate it and it was like heaven. Plus they have a great selection of photo books to look through as you sip on some coffee. Last time I was there they had a north face tent set up. Great place.

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