峠庵 in Koga




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1100 Komono, Koga, Fukuoka 811-3122, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-946-3124
webseite: w-holdings.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.7384003, Longitude: 130.5205497

kommentare 5

  • 博多太郎



    Lunch at the service area. I ordered the daily udon set, which is only available from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and has Kashiwa and wakame udon and Kashiwa rice (780 yen). Kashiwa rice was delicious (lol)

  • 霞拳志郎



    This udon restaurant is located in a corner of the Koga SA (outbound) food court. It's not delicious, neither the udon nor the soup is delicious at all 😤 Kashiwa rice probably isn't cooked, I guess it's made by mixing some kind of ingredient into the cooked rice, I don't know, but it tastes bad. It was expensive because it was in SA, and I regretted it so much that I should have bought it from another store. *Unlike in the past, the quality of restaurants in SA in various places has improved.

  • たかたか



    I arrived at Shinmoji by ferry and on my way to Nagasaki, I ate Goboten Udon from Fukuoka Gourmet😄

  • k K

    k K


    On my way from Shinmoji to Nagasaki in early December, I stopped at Koga SA for a restroom break and had meat gobo tempura udon for breakfast. I had been interested in Fukuoka's udon after seeing it on TV, so I tried it and it was very delicious. The soup was a little sweeter than the Kansai soup stock, but it had the flavor I liked, and the gobo tempura was crunchy and the udon was soft. Since it was early in the morning, there weren't many customers so we were able to enjoy our food slowly. When I have a chance to go to Kyushu and take the expressway, I would like to stop by for food again.

  • RaySun



    They serve a breakfast set meal in the morning, and the menu sign next to the ticket machine looks delicious, but there are too many photos. The fish comes out embarrassingly small and thin (lol). Both the fried eggs and the salad are mini-sized. If I were a part-time worker, I would feel bad serving it to customers. I often cut these thin and small pieces and grilled them (lol) Did you ask for a large bowl of rice because it was too small? That's the level I think. I don't care if it's expensive, just give me a decent set meal. 【update】 I ordered some udon called Touge udon or soba. This dish has a lot of ingredients, and the bowl is quite large.The taste is expensive, but the quantity is sufficient.

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