Progress in Hiroshima




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1-15 Shintenchi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0034, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-244-0170
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3913916, Longitude: 132.4629961

kommentare 5

  • Umesh W

    Umesh W


    We loved this little cafe, it’s a very beautiful cafe in the heart of the city and in a Hon-Dori area. Went there for a couple of coffees and an espresso, all of it was excellent. The staff were very nice and helpful.

  • Nathan f

    Nathan f


    The latte looked nice but tasted a little burnt. The service was a little weird as well. Although there were many empty seats at the bottom floor and an entire empty room (as shown in the picture) they initially insisted I sit on the countertop on the second floor, and didn't want to let me sit on a chair at a table. I had to insist that I'd move if more customers came.

  • Stano Hajnik

    Stano Hajnik


    In Japan is quite a problem to find a good italian espresso, thats why we were so happy to find this caffé. Best coffee in Hirosima, amazing cappuccino with great foam, very tasty and delicious. Kind and very friendly staff. Love this place.

  • S A

    S A


    a cozy cafe with 2 floors where flat white is available. there’s many coffee options but desserts. and it take so long time till get if you order some drinks with dessert, forgivable though when you taste them. owner seems like has his own strict rules but nice guy. recommend for proper coffee in Hiroshima!

  • Russell Kowald

    Russell Kowald


    Excellent coffee and the atmosphere of the store is great. It was quite relaxing to have a flat white and chill with the background music. Highly recommended to stop here!

nächste Cafe

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