Princess Garden Hotel Tokyo en Shinagawa-ku

JapónPrincess Garden Hotel Tokyo


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2 Chome-23-7 Kamiōsaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tōkyō-to 141-0021, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3779-1010
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Latitude: 35.6368584, Longitude: 139.7137921

comentarios 5

  • Michael Xu

    Michael Xu


    The room is very small but the main issue is that it was so hot in the room. We stayed there from 28 March to 5 April. We were told to open the window because there is no temperature dial for the AC in the room. The other frustrating aspect is that the hotel staff speak minimal English.

  • en

    Luca Johnson


    Fantastic old school Japanese business hotel Beautiful koi pond I loved the salmon at breakfast

  • Jh Yoon

    Jh Yoon


    Old but reasonable price. Good to connect with public trsndportation

  • James Rose

    James Rose


    The location was great, just a short walk from the Meguro train station. The breakfast was simple but good, an all-you-can-eat western style breakfast with eggs, bacon, potatoes, spinach as well as a few Japanese staples; miso soup, rice and mackerel. The staff was pleasant and other foreign and Japan's guests were friendly. Our room was very small and the appointments were very old. There was two hooks on the wall to hang some clothes and no other space for clothes or to even set down luggage that wasn't in the way of an already cramped room. A pretty weak air conditioner made for a slightly damp and barely comfortable room on the warm evenings we stayed (late July).

  • Kevin



    Would not recommended to family nor friends. Although the lobby appears to be a refreshing sight. The hotel itself is bearing it's old age. Rooms and hallways stinking of smoke, obvious stains in both the hallway and couches. Cracks in both the wall-plaster and even the chairs found in rooms. Perhaps the only redeeming feature is the assurance that sheet, towels and toiletries are changed daily- yet one would expect this to be the bare minimum. Restaurant staff and room cleaners are friendly however - Hotel management lacks basic flexibility that would be considered the norm in any western hotel.

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