Potato i Fuji




🕗 åbningstider

363-1 Matsuoka, Fuji, Shizuoka 416-0909, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 545-63-1451
internet side: www.makiya-group.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.1671988, Longitude: 138.6403045

kommentar 5

  • くろぱんだ



    The customer service of the store staff is also polite and wonderful 👍

  • 岩間正敏



    The cashier is left waiting alone. After a long wait, another person responded, but it was too late. I'm not going anywhere else.

  • 石井千鶴



    It's relatively close to the store from the parking lot, so I use it when I need to buy heavy items. As soon as the cashier is free, they stock up on items, so I've never felt out of stock. The location of items is easy to find, so you can shop smoothly without having to wander around looking for items.

  • 小番光太郎



    This is my first visit. This is a locally-based supermarket. The parking lot is large 🚗 When you enter the store, you start with fresh vegetables. It seems like most of the things you need are sold on the outer periphery of the store's aisles. Do you feel lonely about the meat corner, side dishes, and salads? I was surprised at the wide variety of soy milk products available. Are the butter cookies in the can next to the cash register a bargain? As I mentioned above, it's close so I'll be going there.

  • Germaine Sugisawa (GerSu)

    Germaine Sugisawa (GerSu)


    this is market Good

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