Every Big Day Nishi-Fuji i Fuji

JapanEvery Big Day Nishi-Fuji



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒416-0909 Shizuoka, Fuji, Matsuoka, 字柳川1528-1
kontakter telefon: +81 545-66-0029
internet side: www.bigfuji.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1554867, Longitude: 138.6341439

kommentar 5

  • Mano



    The meat is cheap and there are varieties that are hard to find elsewhere, and the vegetables are also good. However...it's a shame that the fruit and the staff are often hit or miss. The ladies in charge of the meat are very polite, but...the cash register is a little tricky. Of course, there are some people who are very kind.

  • Sae Toyota

    Sae Toyota


    Meat, fish, and vegetables are cheap! We have delicious products 👌 It might be a good idea to buy in bulk or use for barbecues ( •̀ω•́ゞ)✧Bish!!

  • ぴくるす



    I've been coming here for many years, but I've never had anyone say "Welcome" inside the store. Today, even though we made eye contact, he said nothing. Every time I almost bump into a store employee who is carrying products, I end up immediately apologizing out of habit, but the store clerk doesn't say a word, which I think is amazing, but I still go there because the meat is cheap. However, a few years ago, the cashier started saying "Welcome" and the customer service during checkout has become more polite than before.

  • 松本マルシオ



    only prices are considered!

  • Ivan Borzenets

    Ivan Borzenets


    Local grocery store. Mostly canned and packaged products. But has local vegetables. And a large selection of senbei cookies.

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