Plaza Hotel Shimonoseki i Shimonoseki

JapanPlaza Hotel Shimonoseki


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Japan, 〒750-0014 Yamaguchi, Shimonoseki, Hananochō, 11−10 10階
kontakter telefon: +81 120-073-339
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.9515417, Longitude: 130.936009

kommentar 5

  • かんこ



    The exterior may look a little old, but The interior was beautiful, the unit bath was spacious, and the bed was clean and comfortable. Above all, the person at the front desk (who was from a foreign country) was extremely polite and showed me hospitality. They were very polite and helpful, even when I asked for information about the surrounding area or changed my plan to include breakfast on short notice!

  • みーくん



    I stayed for one night and two days. I arrived early, but was able to check in right away. The room had a large bed and a comfortable chair to sit on. Choose your time for dinner and breakfast at the restaurant on the 10th floor! Dinner was a blowfish course and everything was very delicious. For breakfast, we enjoyed a variety of salads and drinks of our choice, and then the set side dishes, rice, and miso soup.

  • Steven Tung

    Steven Tung


    Quite disappointed and awful experience. This is the second time visiting Japan. While the rent determines the quality in return, but it has gone too far for a modern and developed country. I would not expect the room had poor ventilation system and the only window in the room was a sham as it was fixed. What is the use of the window if one cannot open? When asked the key to open the window, such a modest request was declined by virtue of safety reason. Hardly eventually the hotel was asked for a fan before the the ventilation got worse. If one is fond of nostalgic stuff, may be you would find it to your liking, everything in here remained in 80s of last century, so old ... stuff in old fashioned, cannot bear looking at them ! Unbelievable, still using key to open the brozen knob, instead of magnetic card. Why the hotel not even thinks of refurbishing the infrastructure? Were they being condoned or simply felt complacent?

  • marie lee

    marie lee


    Need to pay for parking. Walkable to Karato Fish market & Kamonwharf. Rooms a bit dated and carpet looked dirty.

  • Melson Lai

    Melson Lai


    Great Janpanese room and breakfast.

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