Pizzeria da Tsurubara w Yamaga

JaponiaPizzeria da Tsurubara



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1495 Yamaga, Kumamoto 861-0501, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 968-43-8920
strona internetowej: m.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.0170164, Longitude: 130.6886605

komentarze 5

  • もちもち



    This is my favorite store that I've been going to for years. It's a stylish shop that looks like an old folk house, and the authentic oven-baked pizza is very delicious. The customer service is polite and kind, and the atmosphere is so comfortable that you'll want to stay for a long time. It's a popular store with lots of customers no matter when you visit ☺️ I want to go eat there again soon✨

  • 俊


    I came here thinking it had a nice atmosphere. However, it was hot inside the store. No countermeasures were taken. The store staff's response was unfriendly. It takes a long time from ordering to being served. Check out other reviews and find out for your baby ``A store where the staff yells abusive language'' Because, to be honest, The service was satisfactory. I will never go there again.

  • k matsuba

    k matsuba


    This is a shop where you can enjoy authentic Italian pizza in Yamaga! I have been going here for over 10 years. The pizza is fragrant and you can eat it all in one piece 🤤 Personally, I’m a fan of Pesce! ! The store manager and all the staff are very helpful and it's a comfortable store! My personal opinion is that these are people who respond like some of the reviews say, but this is subjective and should only be used as a reference. This is a popular restaurant, so if you are concerned about bringing children with you, we recommend making a reservation in advance! (Especially on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

  • Saemi Matsumoto

    Saemi Matsumoto


    Good ambience.

  • Bruce le

    Bruce le


    Good place for pizza's but service is slow when they only had two staff on.

najbliższy Restauracja

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