
🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒330-0843 Saitama, Omiya Ward, Kishikichō, 4-chōme−262−11 ニューキャピタル N 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 50-1808-1527
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.8954169, Longitude: 139.6329902

komentarze 5

  • Antonio Marcantonio

    Antonio Marcantonio


    Looking in from the outside the pizza looked good so we thought we would give it a try. Glad that we did, the pizza is made in the napolitain way, thin in the middle with a soft light crust. Just as it should be!

  • 釈迦似生流



    The worst ever pizza I’ve ever had in my life. I had Pizza margaritas DoG and the Chicken one; both were worse, Pizza dough was fluff on the edges but very thin in the middle what was that? On top, the service I’ve to say worse!!!!! Nothing at all.

  • Elizabeth



    Se cerci una pizza buona come potresti trovare in Napoli, potresti trovare qui! The pizza you’ll find here is made in a wood oven and very characteristic of a Napoli style pizza. But it isn’t just their pizza that is good! The caprese salad was so flavorful and the pasta was cooked perfectly—al dente! This restaurant is a quick walk from the Saitama Super Arena and we found ourselves there often to grab a pizza also to go! They have a menu in English, and the menu also has a few pictures of their pizzas and other menu items. Staff is very friendly and helpful. We paid with our credit card for two pizzas most of the time. I’m not sure if they have a minimum limit for the card, but they didn’t charge to rent the table (I’ve only seen this one other time during our stay in Japan). Good vegetarian options! Highly recommended!

  • Flavio Valle

    Flavio Valle


    Questa è stata la mia migliore pizza nel mio viaggio in giappone. The best pizza, and this because is exactly like one pizza in naples. Ask for extra size if you are italian, the regular maybe will be to small. Price is very good. You can pay for pizza and buffet and still will be much better than any other place!

  • Adam Suslak

    Adam Suslak


    My meal was good. I had a pizza set. They accommodated my dietary needs. I will come back.

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