Yamada Udon w Saitama

JaponiaYamada Udon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-chōme-16-2 Tajima, Sakura Ward, Saitama, 338-0837, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 48-837-2051
strona internetowej: www.yamada-udon.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.8395124, Longitude: 139.627937

komentarze 5

  • 惁悭惁悭ē¾©å‰‡



    I came nearby for work. I'm from Yokohama, so I thought it would give me a bit of a Saitama feel, but I'm here for work. Due to time constraints, I couldn't stop by anywhere...I thought I'd just finish my business and go home. When I found Yamada Udon, I was happy to say ``Oh, Yamada Udon!'' and had lunch with my co-workers. There aren't that many stores in Kanagawa, so it's refreshing. ...But I ate Yamada Udon at the Naruse store a month ago for the first time in 15 years. I ate gravy udon + mini red punch bowl. Lately, I've been eating a lot of chewy udon like Sanuki udon, so it's nice to have it once in a while. The red punch bowl was also delicious. I wonder if the offal type is delicious...? Also, my companion said, ``Soba is delicious.'' I think I will come here again. Since it's Tama's Yamada Udon, I usually order udon, but next time I'll try the soba.

  • infinity zero

    infinity zero


    Yamada udon after a long time There's no Yamada Udon in my activity area... This time we had the daily set meal, Mita. There is a campaign going on and you can get a large bowl of noodles for free. No matter what, carbohydrates and carbs are a devilish combination... Speaking of Yamada udon, I often hear about soft noodles, but I wonder if it's worth mentioning? Well, I guess I can eat normally lol Thank you for the mealā™Ŗ

  • 恊恄恗恄恊恄悂



    About 10 minutes walk from Nishi-Urawa Station Many Yamada Udon stores are far from the station, but this one is within walking distance. Ordered kitsune udon and punch bowl Yamada udon for the first time in about 20 years was delicious and nostalgic ā˜ŗ The thick and soft noodles are nice and easy to eat even for children. Thank you for the mealšŸ½

  • ć‚„ć¾ć”ć‚ƒć‚“



    no doubt Yamada udon This is the employee cafeteria for workers. Employees are veteran women This is also no doubt I only feel safe Daily lunch specials are good

  • Yoko Kaneyasu

    Yoko Kaneyasu


    I may try to UDON next time

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