ペストリーブティック ポピンズ en Sapporo

Japónペストリーブティック ポピンズ



🕗 horarios

Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo, 1階, 7-chōme-2番地1 Kita 5 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0005, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-271-3203
sitio web: www.keioplaza-sapporo.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0665105, Longitude: 141.3450028

comentarios 5

  • カズ



    Bread is not very expensive It was very delicious

  • backstreet



    My favorite hotel-made cake There aren't many types, but there are new and seasonal items regularly. The entire hotel is now promoting Shimaenaga, so they also have cakes. Plus, they sell Hotel Bread, which is one of the few hotels in Sapporo, and although the price is high, it has a premium feel. Would you like a baguette?

  • 遺品整理クリーンビュー



    I received a cute ❤️ Shimaenaga cake🍰❣️ It wasn't too sweet and was delicious! It is also recommended as a souvenir 😊 Thank you for the meal ♫

  • vird sara

    vird sara


    I bought a cake. The price is higher than the normal price range. (Average price: 500 yen each) But the taste was too bad. The taste is inferior to Rokkatei and Ryugetsu. The cream is too thick and the sponge is crumbly, making this a cake you'll regret eating. It might be worse than the supermarket cake. I really shouldn't have bought it.

  • Seolhee Yoon (Y8N)

    Seolhee Yoon (Y8N)


    Boutique Poppins. It is located inside the Keio Hotel. Sapporo Sweets Sapporo Cheese Winery won the Grand Prix in the raw sheep confectionery category in 2014. What's inside is cheese and the jelly wrapped is wine. I heard of aronia berries.

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