Pepper Lunch w Ichihara

JaponiaPepper Lunch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-4 Chiharadainishi, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0143, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 436-76-0229
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.5274246, Longitude: 140.172981

komentarze 5

  • 中野久夫



    This is my first visit! I didn't have this store near my home, so I was thinking of going there, and then I found it. It was in the food court! ``2nd floor'' The coat chair here is so cute!! ️As expected, the terrace seats are not open yet, but I think the terrace and the surrounding scenery are nice, and the chairs and tables are cute. ❗My wife had the beef pepper rice and I had the hamburger steak with a fried egg. ❗They were piping hot and delicious. It was very delicious! ️

  • Mic N.

    Mic N.


    Almost every week, I go to the food court "Pepper Lunch" on the second floor of Unimo Ichihara (lol) Make sure the staff at the restaurant remembers ``Pepper Rice S,'' ``Salad,'' and ``Garlic'' every time! That makes sense. Since this pepper rice is hot, I stir-fry the salad with it and make salad pepper rice, add garlic and a separate spicy sauce, and mix it gently before eating. This makes lettuce, cucumbers, etc. soft and delicious. It seems like the store staff tried it out too, and it was very popular. Please try it!

  • 寺内恵司



    🚌 🚶 First visit after noon on November 24th! It is difficult because there are few stores. Is it necessary because I can't see you? ✏ exciting big 🥩 2x hamburgers and 2x steaks However, it's just a normal serving! Half a hamburger is weirder I think so, but... Shin-Narashino store, Ario Ichihara store I have used it before This is steak sauce It will be individually wrapped! Is Plate a food court? It's not so hot that it bursts The sound disappears quickly! 🍚 What caught my attention was the food. Not delicious! ❔ I don't care when it's mixed rice. But if you eat it alone I can clearly see that it's not delicious. 💴 🙅 And I ended up paying 1,500 yen. It was a disappointing lunch! 👉 Ordering mazemazemeshi Is it better? !

  • Badtzmaru Cheers

    Badtzmaru Cheers


    Good taste as always

  • moko t

    moko t


    Food court in Unimo Ichihara. There were many stores here. I chose Pepper Ranch. From the many menus, I chose Beef Pepper Rice (M700), which was served on a piping hot iron plate. It's an additional 200 yen with a salad drink. Drinks were free if you showed your Rakuten Point Card or D Point Card. Rice with a hint of pepper. It was written that the meat should be grilled on a griddle, then sprinkled with sauce and mixed together before eating.

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