Patisserie Tresor w Nagano

JaponiaPatisserie Tresor



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2471-3428 Ageya, Nagano, 380-0888, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 80-3154-0266
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.7018257, Longitude: 138.131611

komentarze 5

  • t coco33

    t coco33


    Visited on Saturday afternoon during cafe time. The shop was located in a quiet villa area. There is a lake nearby, you can hear the birds🦜, and it has a very calm atmosphere. The shop was empty, and although there were a couple of other people there, it didn't feel noisy. The surroundings are quiet, so you can easily have a conversation😅. I think it's best to speak quietly. Around 1500 yen per person for cake and drinks☕️ The homemade cake was very delicious. The staff at the shop were very courteous and it was a cafe that I would like to stop by again during my travels. It was a great restaurant with great location and atmosphere.

  • まりん



    I'm so happy to be able to enjoy tea in the pleasant sunlight filtering through the trees 🥰 You can enjoy the breeze while sitting on the balcony. On the day I visited, the outdoor seats were full so I had tea time inside the store🫖🍰 No matter which way you look inside the store, there are lots of wonderful decorations ✨ Choose sweets from the showcase and order tea that seems to go well with the cake♪ Although there are many types of cakes, there are also many drinks, so you will be confused ♡ It was very crowded at lunch time, and I often saw customers who had reservations! It takes time for the food to be served, so it's normal to wait anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. So please make sure you have enough time to wait 😉 Also, since it is in the forest, the radio waves 📲 tend to be out of range and cannot be used. We had an unforgettable time enjoying the delicious sweets made with carefully selected ingredients and the aromatic hibiscus tea🤗

  • 本永純一



    What an elegant moment. The 🍈 melon bread on the plate is so gorgeous!?️👀✌ All types of tea are served in pots.

  • tom a

    tom a


    In the summer of 2022, it was only open on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. The interior and each accessory is very classy and the classic atmosphere is very elegant. A space that makes you want to make the time you spend here a wonderful one. If I didn't have children with me, I would have liked to have had a leisurely tea time or lunch, but I ended up taking some cakes home with me. The cakes were not only beautiful to look at, but also delicious and made with special attention to detail. A store I want in my neighborhood...I'm sure I'll visit again.

  • 関野洋子



    Excellent atmosphere! It was a happy time with homemade cakes and bread.

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