ē”»å»Šć‚«ćƒ³ćƒ“ć‚”ć‚¹åŸŽå±± ć‚®ćƒ£ćƒ©ćƒŖćƒ¼ w Nagano

Japoniaē”»å»Šć‚«ćƒ³ćƒ“ć‚”ć‚¹åŸŽå±± ć‚®ćƒ£ćƒ©ćƒŖćƒ¼



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-6-1870-1 Uematsu, Nagano, 380-0802, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 26-235-0933
strona internetowej: www8.plala.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 36.6697741, Longitude: 138.1906201

komentarze 5

  • yurika seki

    yurika seki


    It was a very nice gallery with great views from the top of the mountain!

  • ē¾½ē”Ÿē”°ē« å­

    ē¾½ē”Ÿē”°ē« å­


    The owner cannot manage money or receipts. I purchased two paintings, and although I swore they were signed by the artist, there were no signatures, and the frames were scratched. The promise to deliver the other one to the person who took care of it and install it hasn't been fulfilled, and I still can't hang up the two.Even when I protested over the phone, they hung up on me. All I can say is that they are making fun of their customers. Worst gallery.

  • Eric Makowski

    Eric Makowski


    A delightful little spot. I wandered in out of curiosity and even though I couldn't really communicate much, the lady was very kind and I could tell she wanted me to have the best experience possible despite the language barrier. I'd love to come back when my Japanese improves. But if you're a tourist who doesn't understand or speak much Japanese just be prepared for some inevitable confusion. Still definitely 5 out of 5.

  • Kazuyo Ogawa

    Kazuyo Ogawa


    It's been a store that I've been interested in for many years. The parking lot is spacious and the location is great, overlooking Nagano. Go down the stairs and head towards it. There are cute things dropped from the trees on the stairs, and it looks a little gloomy, but what you see inside the store afterward is a surprise. that? Is it a high class club in Ginza? It's such a luxurious space. I was also overwhelmed by the politeness of the beautiful woman who greeted me. It felt so warm. The main business here is an art gallery, and business negotiations are also held here. It has to be luxurious, right? The chairs were nice and I felt comfortable. Anyway, the coffee they carefully brewed was excellent and reminded me of the coffee maker called gino in Denenchofu that I used to drop off in first class on ANA. I'm sorry when I different! But I'll go back for coffee!

  • Yukie Saitou

    Yukie Saitou


    It was unusual for it to take 30 minutes to calculate the bill even though I was the only customer and I only ordered from the regular lunch menu. Thanks to you, I missed the bus. It's already located in a location with extremely inconvenient transportation, so I hope they at least do something about that.

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