お野菜料理 ふれんちん in Higashiosaka

Japanお野菜料理 ふれんちん



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-1-38 Hanazonohonmachi, Higashiosaka, Osaka 578-0937, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-961-4910
webseite: frenchin.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6623935, Longitude: 135.6192691

kommentare 5

  • 竹森通子



    As always It's time to relax and be healed by delicious food. Thank you for the meal😋

  • Y



    It's a French restaurant that focuses on vegetables, so it's healthy and easy to eat, even for women. I often use it for gatherings with mom friends.

  • N N

    N N


    The lunch course, which included appetizers, main dishes, desserts, and drinks made with locally grown vegetables, was bright and colorful, and the colorful sauces were beautiful and delicious. The appetizers we received included vegetable dishes, large shrimp, roast beef, and an omelet. The main dish was sautéed amberjack topped with crab meat and roe, and mashed potatoes. The truffle sauce was delicious. The komatsuna cake for dessert was also delicious. It's a comfortable restaurant where you can get explanations of the dishes. She was also very happy with the birthday plate I ordered. Recommended for anniversaries and girls' night out.

  • 大西明子



    The frontage is narrow so be careful when passing by. I received the lunch course. I enjoyed the assortment of appetizers, which were beautifully colored. Each main course was carefully prepared and truly delicious, and the atmosphere was relaxing, with desserts, drinks, and a lively chat. I'll bother you again!

  • tyamu -s

    tyamu -s


    I visited for lunch for the first time in a while when the coronavirus was calm 💡 I've eaten at many restaurants, but I've never found one that serves vegetables this deliciously. Also, the seasoning and presentation show off your taste... I want you to experience it at least once 💦 Currently, reservations are required, so you need to contact us in advance, but it's definitely worth making a reservation. I think it would be good to use it on a date 👌

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