大阪王将 荒本店 in Higashiosaka

Japan大阪王将 荒本店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-1-10 Aramotokita, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0011, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 6-6748-7500
webseite: www.osaka-ohsho.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6789079, Longitude: 135.6038037

kommentare 5

  • Ael Har

    Ael Har


    Sorry. Strange vibe from the two waitresses. Left before ordering. I hope I am unlucky or having a bad day.

  • M氏



    Generally, I give a harsh review to chain restaurants, but the shrimp mayo at this restaurant was quite delicious.At less than 700 yen, the level of deliciousness is comparable to that of restaurants that are nearly double the price.I can't get enough of it. 4, more than the price. The fried rice was neither good nor bad.

  • よっしーゆっきー



    The fluffy Tenshin fried rice was so delicious! The taste of the gyoza was delicious, but the closed part was easy to open and the contents came out, making it difficult to eat... There are 2 less gyoza in the photo (2 servings). 6 servings per person!

  • Levi Zapanta

    Levi Zapanta


    After a long day, we wanted to have some gyoza and this place just happened be a long the way. The portion sizes are great and affordable!

  • 北新地ナリ



    February 2024 Hey there❗ The last holiday of the three-day weekend For lunch, go to Osaka Osho. This is probably. . . Is it a FC store? directly managed store menu Fluffy omelet rice The eggs are thick and popular❗ Other TV featured There's no menu Extensive original menu❗ ⭐Satisfaction set ¥980 Yakisoba with red bean paste Fluffy Tenshin rice set *The set of yakisoba with red bean paste is Either Tenshin rice or fried rice I'm pretty sure it's half size but. . . this is. . . to regular size It's extremely close❗ The amount of bean paste yakisoba is also amazing❗ Scallops, shrimp, squid, and pork belly A huge wood ear fungus Lots of vegetables❗ Yakisoba with seafood filling❗ This is delicious and a must ❗ Vinegar and mustard go very well together. It would be great if you had yuzu pepper❗ And the seasoning. . . salt The soup is also white with Chinese soup stock. Soup is the main thing, right? Sometimes it tastes bland It has a delicate flavor ❤️ This seasoning is also from Osaka Osho. Seasoning that is different from directly managed stores Fluffy Tenshin rice I am leaning towards the taste of directly managed stores. Is the base dashi different? It's a little different from what I like Fluffy eggs Super delicious~❤️ This is it~ I'm convinced it's popular❗ A little bit of homemade chili oil too. . . That's different~❗ And shake the usual pot my favorite brother I'm not here today. . . Is it a day off? Osaka Osho has this menu and Variations in taste I'm sure it exists~❗ (Ah ❗ Kyoto Osho’s Hanazono store too. The store is new and has a little taste. It wasn't what I liked Haven't you been there yet? . . bitter smile) Satsumako ramen too The taste of Ishikiri store is better than the main store. I like it. . . Osaka Osho is Takaida store Do you like it?❤️ Unification of taste at chain stores It's quite difficult, isn't it? say whatever you want I'm sorry. The nonsense of an amateur with a stupid tongue Please forgive me. Thank you for the meal~❤️

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