Oyaizu Dental Clinic i Okayama

JapanOyaizu Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

674-4 Kurata, Naka Ward, Okayama, 703-8265, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 120-140-812
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.634235, Longitude: 133.9533998

kommentar 3

  • H JUMP

    H JUMP


    He cured my swollen gums that other dentists couldn't fix! The child's gums were partially swollen, and while he was eating or brushing his teeth, he was bleeding and was in great pain. I had been treated six times at my family dentist, but it didn't heal at all and I was in trouble, so I went to Oyaizu Dental because it was close to my house. Surprisingly, it was completely cured after 3 treatments! ! The director gives very thorough explanations before each surgery. (I really feel at ease if you explain this pre-surgery explanation in detail!) When you ask a question, he doesn't make a disgusted face and explains things in an easy-to-understand manner. The hygienists and receptionists were all so kind and played with my younger child whenever they had free time! (Thank you so much!) I'm so glad that my parents and I changed hospitals! !

  • Nama



    Thank you for your help before. Their explanations are thorough and easy to understand, and they listen to your requests, so you can feel at ease.

  • k i

    k i


    I only received medical treatment once, but the treatment proceeded according to my wishes.

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