Family Matsunaga Dental Clinic i Okayama

JapanFamily Matsunaga Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒704-8171 Okayama, Higashi-ku, Megurochō, 61 松永歯科医院
kontakter telefon: +81 86-942-0648
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6700381, Longitude: 134.0002592

kommentar 5

  • 生田章二郎



    He is a teacher who gives thorough explanations. The hygienist also provided careful oral care. Since we require reservations, we recommend that you call ahead for your first visit and decide on a time before coming to see us, so that your visit will go more smoothly.

  • erika K

    erika K


    thank you very much.

  • チョコミント‎[ 'ω' ]

    チョコミント‎[ 'ω' ]


    The teacher was kind and helpful! I think I want to go again!

  • m j

    m j


    It used to be good, but unfortunately the phone support is bad.

  • 森木誠



    At the dentist here, the doctor will give you conservative treatment that will save your teeth as much as possible. I also had a tooth removed by another dentist before, so I looked for it through word of mouth and came here. Thanks to you, I still have those teeth and can chew them well. He takes a lot of time, but I think he is a very good dentist.

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