Owariya in Kyoto




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216-1 Sanmonjichō, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8135, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-221-3792
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0077908, Longitude: 135.7610012

kommentare 5

  • ブランブラン



    I've been curious about it for a while, so this is my first time visiting. Although it was after 11 o'clock on a public holiday, I was able to find a table easily. It was a very hot day with strong sunlight in the morning, so I ordered chilled shrimp tempura. Grated and pickled plums are well balanced. The soba noodles were also chewy and very delicious. The store was very clean and the customer service was courteous.

  • Kathleen Ho

    Kathleen Ho


    Cosy restaurant, amazing food and excellent service from the cheerful waitress! They have an English menu so it is easy. We got the tempura udon & the recommended item (cold soba with tempura). The broth was rich - not too salty, and the cold soba texture was great. Would definitely come back again whenever we visit Kyoto.

  • Michael Rardon

    Michael Rardon


    Great food! This is a prayer but my wife and I left a bag there yesterday. It had artwork we had purchased from our time in Kyoto. Is there an email address we could contact you?

  • Ahmed Khota

    Ahmed Khota


    Went on a recommendation from a friend. Ordered the beef curry udon and it was fantastic. Equivalent to the best I've had in Kyoto. 100% recommend and planning to be a regular customer.

  • Justin Chong

    Justin Chong


    Cold soba was great as was the donburi

nächste Restaurant

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