Ōtsu Municipal Hospital en Otsu

JapónŌtsu Municipal Hospital


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2-chōme-9-9 Motomiya, Otsu, Shiga 520-0804, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 77-522-4607
sitio web: och.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.999965, Longitude: 135.876273

comentarios 5

  • くぅぷぅ



    I came here because this is the only place where my child can be seen by a psychosomatic physician. I requested a medical certificate to renew my disability certificate, but since it was my first time requesting a medical certificate, I did not know that I had to apply at the application counter, so I missed the renewal deadline. I told the doctor, receptionist, and nurse that I wanted a medical certificate, but no one told me that I needed to apply...I didn't know that because it was my first visit and my first time at a large hospital. It may be common knowledge for working people, but I wish they would have explained it properly. It was a waste of time.

  • WK K

    WK K


    I wanted to make an appointment for my company's health checkup, but it was too difficult to get through on the phone. When I finally got through to her and told her that I would like to have a health check that includes 〇〇 and 〇〇, she insisted, ``I haven't taken it verbally.I would like you to send me the items by fax.I don't want to make mistakes.'' If they say they don't have a fax machine at home, they just say, ``Is there a convenience store nearby?'' Is it really that difficult to figure out the menu based on the items and communicate it to people? Aren't you too stubborn just because it's a rule? Chatbots are still smarter. I decided not to go for such a temporary medical checkup. As a phone call, that's not possible.

  • クソデカハムスター



    I am attending a psychiatric hospital. Re-examination is very smooth. There is a machine to check in and your insurance card is checked every month, but it's also faster. All you have to do is go to the department you want to see and wait. The nearby pharmacies are crowded, so it's safe to go to the one you like. There are three or four teachers, and my teacher seems quiet and listens intently, but he also gives advice and gives his opinions. Sometimes it's crowded, so it feels like the consultation ends quickly, but I feel like they listen carefully to what I have to say. They are flexible in their treatment of medicines, and are very considerate of drug dependence when prescribing them. I'm a little disappointed sometimes because he's so busy, but I decided to come here because he's a better teacher than a regular teacher. The Family Mart at the entrance is also great, and the parking lot is free for 2 hours, and you can get it for free if you show your parking ticket.

  • momo TKT

    momo TKT


    I can't get a decent response. Even though I called and checked, I was told that the department I wanted to see was not open today. Even if you wait in the waiting room and are told that you will be examined at the emergency ER instead, the examination is over, right? There is no coordination at all as they come to confirm. In the end, I had to wait for almost 3 hours. While I was waiting, my health deteriorated and I became mentally frustrated, so I realized that I would have been better off staying at home and resting. The elementary school students and teachers who were waiting were also asked when their parents could come.If they didn't have their insurance cards, they were told that they would have to pay the actual expenses, but the teachers didn't seem to hear anything, so they hurried. Parents were contacted. Images and data from the CT scan will not be provided. Since it was a traffic accident, I communicated with the insurance company, but they recommended that I go to another hospital again. Since we are a general hospital, information is exchanged through people, so mistakes may occur, but we can't trust you if there are so many mistakes in a single consultation. We do not recommend going to this hospital unless you are being transported in an emergency. I don't want to go there again.

  • 海熊



    It's a normal general hospital. There are Japanese Red Cross and Shiga Hospitals nearby, and I appreciate that the reception, testing, and payment process is smooth. Even if you are inexperienced, there will be staff at the reception desk to help guide you. If you arrive before 8:30, you'll be able to find a parking spot. Parking is free for patients. It's a hospital that takes reservations, takes prescriptions, and pays bills quickly. This is a problem because my doctor often moves in April. There are nurses who don't wear masks properly. There is a Lawson inside for snacks, and a restaurant in a separate building. However, it is not cheap and feels like an old restaurant.

El hospital más cercano

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