Omi Medical Center en Kusatsu

JapónOmi Medical Center


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1660 Yabasechō, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8585, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 77-563-8866
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Latitude: 35.0110001, Longitude: 135.9271533

comentarios 5

  • ヨシヨシ



    I needed a thorough examination, so I visited this clinic based on a referral from my family doctor. Even though the clinic was busy with many patients, the receptionists, nurses, and doctors were all very attentive. Since the initial medical interview will be conducted on a tablet device, we felt that those who are not accustomed to operating the tablet (such as elderly patients) may need someone to accompany them.

  • PEUGEOT106



    I had a good impression of the doctor and nurse in charge, but even though I had set a meeting time with the doctor, I had to wait for over an hour.What was this setting for?Even if it is a doctor, he should keep his promises. . Maybe the person in charge didn't contact me, or maybe there's poor horizontal or vertical communication. It is common sense that the doctor will contact you and tell you that he will be coming in a few minutes. It's unfortunate that things like this have become a daily occurrence at this hospital.

  • 秀幸



    This hospital has a very poor attitude and language when interacting with patients, especially the doctors! I would like to know the name of the doctor! I'll put up with that, but I want you to act close to the patient and use kind words!After that, the medical expenses for one visit are about 20,000 yen, and the prescription drug cost is about 10,000 yen, so the total cost is about 30,000 yen. I quit my job! Now, I only pay around 10,000 yen for medical expenses and prescription drugs at the diabetes outpatient clinic at a hospital in the prefecture! The medical expenses at this hospital are extremely high! I will never go there again!

  • S I

    S I


    You don't have to be a doctor to just look at it. It's a waste of time to go to the hospital instead. It seems to be a big name only hospital that makes money from selection fees for emergency hospital certification. The selection fee of 7,700 yen and the examination fee totaled 8,800 yen. Pus has accumulated around the lymph nodes in the back of my head, turning into a 4cm cone of white pus. I am suffering from headaches and pain in my neck and lymph nodes.I asked the fire department headquarters and directly called the hospital to explain my symptoms and asked if I could be examined. I went to confirm. I was told that I could be seen at the emergency department, so I went in at noon. However, there was no point in going there as there was nothing resembling a medical examination.When I asked if pus could be extracted here, the ``surgeon Tamura-sama'' coldly told me that pus could not be extracted, and I would never go to this hospital again. not. I was prescribed Loxonin, which didn't work, and no anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics were given. In the evening, I did not touch the large protrusion on the head, but it spontaneously ruptured and a large amount of pus came out. I have no choice but to disinfect at home. When I moved here, I was at a loss because I couldn't find the hospital, and the fire department told me it was a large hospital, so I trusted it and went there, which was a mistake. There are no decent hospitals around Kusatsu City, which is a problem.

  • mamunet&mayu



    I underwent surgery at the obstetrics and gynecology department. I was admitted to the hospital in the afternoon on Sunday. I was discharged from the hospital on Saturday morning the following week. I was very grateful to the nurses in the obstetrics and gynecology department. They were all kind, kind, and polite. Thank you very much. food💦 I also had stitches in my intestines, so I can't help it. Even when it becomes a regular meal I think most of the menus were mainly fish. There are parking lots 1, 2, and 3. The first and second are located on both sides of the front of the building. The third parking lot is directly behind the parking lot, next to the entrance to the first parking lot. there is an entrance Is the road to parking lot 3 one-way? Because it is easy to misunderstand that Please pass with caution

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