Otogiya Coffee Meike en Niigata

JapónOtogiya Coffee Meike



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-1-2 Meikeshinmei, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0943, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-385-7993
sitio web: www.tiktok.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.8908399, Longitude: 139.0375693

comentarios 5

  • M iizawa

    M iizawa


    Oh so cute🐰 It seemed more like an Italian restaurant than a coffee shop (cafe), so it wasn't one of my options for having tea, but it would be nice to go there for tea.

  • 若佐浩久



    I like the atmosphere and sometimes want to go there for lunch with a friend. There's a pizza oven, there's a decent selection of cakes, the pasta is delicious, the lighting is a little dim, the music is calming, and I can understand why the customer base is a little older. It's a routine where I have charcoal coffee ice cream before a meal and consider what to eat from the menu.After the meal, I switch to hot coffee and have three cups.Of course I use the restroom, but it's always kept clean. I think it's wonderful. The staff were also very accommodating!

  • じょーなりみや



    Visited on May 21, 2024. I ordered the same thing as when I came last week, but obviously the amount of salad was small and it was held flat, so I couldn't believe it was a salad that cost nearly 900 yen. I even complained that the amount was too much. I also ordered dessert. I ordered the same thing as when I came last week, but it was completely melted and I was really disappointed in the low quality and cost performance. There was an elderly, elderly clerk who was serving customers and cooking, but he kept trying to walk away while I was talking to him, and his gray hair was messy, and if it was long, it would be better to put it in a hat. The food had a really bad body odor and didn't look clean, and when I thought they brought it to me, they just left it there without telling me the name of the menu. I would love to hear why you chose the hospitality industry. The product is too expensive. It's really too expensive and The thoroughness of QSC is too low. I thought this meant the restaurant was empty even during dinner time. There will be no second visit.

  • 佐藤誠



    Visited after 12:00 on July 20, 2023. There were few people in the store. Choose today's pasta from pasta lunch. Bacon and mushroom tomato sauce pasta Accompanied by mixed fruit waffles. Lunch comes with a small salad and a drink. The pasta was well-cooked and the tomato sauce was not sour and very delicious. The drinks are also plentiful and satisfying. Speaking of negative points, the interior of the store is old-fashioned. The atmosphere is not bad, so if they renovate it, I think the number of customers will increase. However, a few groups of older women have come in later, so it may be a place to relax.

  • Desak Nyoman Surya Suameitria Dewi

    Desak Nyoman Surya Suameitria Dewi


    I like the ambience of this cafe. I order the waffle and it's delicious.

Cafetería más cercano

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