Osaka-ya Hiina no Yu i Wakayama

JapanOsaka-ya Hiina no Yu



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Japan, 〒640-0103 Wakayama, Kada, 142 加太淡嶋温泉大阪屋ひいなの湯
kontakter telefon: +81 73-459-1151
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.2744615, Longitude: 135.0672345

kommentar 5

  • Wai Ping Chow

    Wai Ping Chow


    A hotspring hotel with excellent service. The meals are delicious and the view from the room is great.

  • Linn Yadanar Tun

    Linn Yadanar Tun


    Enjoyed rooftop onsen which is open to public as well. A bit expensive compared to other onsen. Quiet and no one was there when I visited.

  • Dan Rhodes

    Dan Rhodes


    Outstanding!! The room was beautiful and comfortable. The indoor and outdoor baths were very clean and perfect temperatures. Both dinner and breakfast were perfect. I couldn't have asked for anything better. The service staff members were professional, warm and friendly. I recommend here to everyone and will absolutely go here again.

  • Andrea De Santis

    Andrea De Santis


    Perfect place to relax and enjoy the Japanese onset. The place looks very nice and it’s situated just in front of the sea and the fish market. You can also enjoy a splendid kaiseki meal downstairs.




    Great onsen, you can watch the sea view and enjoy the outside, better to there in the afternoon, a little bit cold when there is wind. the jelly will be served after the hotspring. 很棒的溫泉,可以吃免費的蜂蜜蒟蒻。

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