Hanayama Onsen Yakushi No Yu i Wakayama

JapanHanayama Onsen Yakushi No Yu



🕗 åbningstider

574 Narukami, Wakayama, 640-8303, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 73-471-3277
internet side: www.hanayamaonsen.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.2303764, Longitude: 135.2123185

kommentar 5

  • Hanford Lam

    Hanford Lam


    Tattoos not welcome. Interesting water. Crowded. Bubble bath, cold and warm and hot baths. Free shuttle from JR Wakayama by reservation.

  • Sophia Yip

    Sophia Yip


    Two stars are based on the cleanliness and comfort level, as I don't know how to evaluate the medicinal effect. I can understand that because it has such high level of mineral, the place would smell like rust, and there would be yellow brownish deposits getting build up. But there's got to be something to be done about that.

  • Ivan Lozano

    Ivan Lozano


    The Onsen is nothing impressive but it's good enough. There is plenty of Japanese people and you can feel like in a real Onsen not only for tourist purposes. There is water with minerals and without, there are different baths with different temperature, you can choose whichever you want. There is only one bath that is outside, the others are inside a room. Men and women are divided. You can rent towels and there are plenty of lockers. The price is cheap and if you are student is cheaper, just show your Japanese student ID and that's all.

  • Lia X.

    Lia X.


    Ochre-yellow (minerals) onsen with some variety of temperatures. Nothing too special aside from the minerals, but good & comfortable. Rest room has super comfy futons !

  • Leo Lam

    Leo Lam


    a unique hot spring i have ever seen. a pale-yellow sediment around the pool. After the hot spring, you can feel that your skin become soft and smooth and feel relax.

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