Osaka Total Dental Clinic w Yamaga

JaponiaOsaka Total Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

263-1 Kumairimachi, Yamaga, Kumamoto 861-0511, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 968-42-8241
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.028902, Longitude: 130.682421

komentarze 5

  • むしまろ



    Many patients come here seeking high-level treatment, so it takes longer to fully recover compared to other hospitals. With that in mind, I think it would be a good idea to see a doctor.

  • yz x

    yz x


    Everyone is kind and polite. The doctor's explanations were easy to understand, and I felt safe because the treatment was in a private room. It seems like they are doing a lot of things such as disinfection, and I was given an explanation of the machines, so I feel like I can receive treatment with peace of mind. You can rest assured that you have found the most reliable dental clinic in Yamaga. I look forward to your next treatment.

  • LUCKYパパラッチ



    The progress of the treatment is very slow and it is difficult to get an appointment.When I informed the doctor and asked him to proceed with the treatment as soon as possible, we were fully booked (even after that, we were already booked). So, if that's the case, I was advised to go to another dentist. He didn't try to make any concessions. . Being popular is a good thing... Honestly...I didn't think so.

  • Syun Nagayoshi

    Syun Nagayoshi


    The response from the teachers and staff is wonderful. Treatment in a private room means you don't have to worry about being seen, so you can feel very safe. This is a recommended dental clinic.

  • you you

    you you


    All the staff are very kind and polite and make you feel at ease. The infection control in the hospital was very thorough and I felt very safe. I'm planning to go there several times from now on, and I feel like I can go there with peace of mind.

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