Watanabe Dental Clinic w Koshi

JaponiaWatanabe Dental Clinic



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1656-618 Kikudomi, Koshi, Kumamoto 861-1112, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-215-5701
strona internetowej: ssl.haisha-yoyaku.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8688291, Longitude: 130.7813609

komentarze 5

  • チャンネルsee



    I'm allergic to xylocaine, an anesthetic, but I'm using CitaNest, which is a tested anesthetic, so I go there. Accurate explanation and treatment Nothing to say. The doctors and hygienists are all very nice people. I'm glad that you cleaned your teeth as well. It was a little painful where the periodontal pockets get deeper with age, but it wasn't unbearable.

  • 0 kira

    0 kira


    After I had my teeth removed here, the gums on my back teeth started to swell frequently. When removing tartar, he explained to me about periodontal pockets, and explained to me that when periodontal pockets are deep, there are gaps like this, and while we looked in the mirror together, he forcefully inserted a sharp bamboo skewer into the gap between my gums. I did. The gap between the gums is between the wisdom tooth, which is buried in the gums, and the tooth in front of it. There was no gap that you could see, and it was quite painful. I think it must have been damaged or infected by bacteria at this time. I used that bamboo skewer to remove plaque from the gaps between my other teeth. I've been to many dentists to remove tartar, but I've never had a bamboo skewer inserted into my teeth. However, I couldn't ask him to stop, so I could only listen silently. A few days later, the gum where the bamboo skewer was inserted started to swell and became hot, and the surrounding lymph nodes also swelled. When I called them, they asked me to come in, but they said they looked swollen and told me they'd give me some medicine, and that's it. When I called, I told them that my gums were swollen and painful after I had my teeth removed a few days ago, but I was very surprised when they responded with something like, "They don't have any free days today." . My teeth were swollen because I had my teeth removed at this dental clinic instead of at another clinic. Shouldn't you have him come right away? It's been about 3 months since then, and the same spot is swelling again. Do not lick swollen gums. Once it swells, painkillers are no longer effective, and you may develop a slight fever and swollen lymph nodes. The surrounding ears and tongue are swollen, making it difficult to speak and the pain is so painful that I can't sleep. And every time it swells, I have to go to the oral surgeon. I don't even have cavities. I have nothing but regrets. .

  • ららきき



    I visited for tartar removal, but it took a lot of time to check my gums, and I got the impression that the important process of removing tartar was done quickly. It wasn't refreshing at all. They didn't even finish flossing. Based on my experience, I thought that finishing floss was a must. There are some differences.

  • 寺本美保



    I have panic disorder. I'm currently undergoing treatment, but the treatment policy of the dentist I went to before didn't suit my needs, so I'm so afraid of going to the dentist that I start to have seizures. Then I got married, got pregnant, and had to go for a dental checkup, but I was too scared to go and gave birth. Since I was hoping for a second child, I decided to take care of this clinic. Must have panic disorder before treatment. I talked to him about all my pain sensitivities and received treatment. He thoroughly explained to me what to treat and how to treat it one by one, and carefully checked to make sure it didn't hurt, and I was able to successfully treat my long-standing cavities. I will be using this clinic as my regular from now on! This clinic is recommended for people who are sensitive to pain or who are afraid of going to the dentist. I saw a place where they were treating children, and they were very gentle and treated the children in a way that didn't scare them, so I would like to treat them with peace of mind. The doctors, dental hygienists, and receptionists are all very kind.

  • みぬん



    Many dentists these days have stylish buildings and you can't tell they're dentists at first glance, but this one feels like it was built a long time ago...but the essential treatment is perfect. The director is very kind and speaks to me, and the hygienists and receptionists are all very nice. I felt distrustful of the treatment at the place I used to go to, so I started going there as a second opinion, but this has become my main treatment. The treatment for the areas that used to have to be redone many times was completed in one treatment, and the progress was good, and I feel that my skills are really good here. Highly recommended.

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