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🕗 godziny otwarcia

1500-2 Mabase, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0875, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-335-1157
strona internetowej: www.ndhl.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.9801603, Longitude: 138.4652886

komentarze 5

  • Michelle Rodriguez

    Michelle Rodriguez


    I used it for my anniversary. As a surprise, we were given a dessert with a message and a photo shoot, which was an unforgettable memory. The staff were very nice, and most of all, the food was delicious. Although it was a main dish + buffet, there was a wide variety of buffet items and it was just as satisfying as the main dish. For my main dish, I chose Kuroge Wagyu beef fillet, which was perfectly grilled and all the accompanying vegetables were delicious. I would like to use it again on a special day.




    I didn't have high expectations for the food, but the customer service and food were excellent. I enjoyed the 180-degree night view while watching the sun set right in front of my eyes. It was an a la carte rather than a course, and we split it between two people, but everything from the appetizer to the salad dressing was delicious, and I was happy that they told me when to serve it. The roast beef in the steak bowl was exquisite, and the meat in the beef stew was so soft and delicious. I definitely want to go again. We also recommend stepping out from the terrace and taking a walk to enjoy the night view.

  • Mi Mo

    Mi Mo


    I made a reservation for the 3800 yen lunch buffet on a weekday. To summarize, it was a ``lunch buffet for women that mainly consisted of cakes and was a great deal at a level that couldn't be compared to Suipara.'' First of all, I would like to point out a disappointing point: perhaps due to the recent depreciation of the yen and the soaring cost of ingredients, the buffet menu did not have the gorgeous ingredients. There was chicken, but there was almost no beef. However, if you ordered meat for your main dish, you would receive a beef hamburger. Still, it seems that the fleshiness was not enough for men. Menus such as Golden Week are about twice as expensive, but I thought it would be better. To be honest, I don't think it's necessary to maintain this price. The good thing is that each dish seems to have been carefully selected and put into use, and the seasoning is elegant. French is the base, but clams and water spinach with fish sauce? There was also stir-fried food (but it didn't smell bad) and Thai green curry, which were arranged in a delicate and elegant way that you wouldn't find anywhere else, and in a good way, it was a taste that could only be found here. . In particular, there were many types of cakes, and I felt that they were of high quality, as everyone has reviewed. Although it was a weekday, the place was full of women. [To the staff] Thank you for the wonderful food. The green curry was so delicious that my husband, who doesn't usually eat it, asked for a second helping, but it was too standard for me as a woman who is used to buffets, and there seem to be many fans of it. I would be happy if you could incorporate curry, biryani, Vietnamese, Korean cuisine, etc. I would like to try the delicate and elegant arrangements that can only be found at this restaurant.

  • Zen Igarashi

    Zen Igarashi


    Best recommendedā™„ļø place. the hotel. foods and the staffsā™„ļø

  • Ronaldo Yuiti ęØŖå±± (ronyuiti)

    Ronaldo Yuiti ęØŖå±± (ronyuiti)



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