オリエンタルパサージュインペリアル新館 en Taitō



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6 Chome-9-9 Ueno, Taitō, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3833-1502
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.709935, Longitude: 139.775154

comentarios 5

  • Jason Woodruff

    Jason Woodruff


    Clean rooms and helpful staff.

  • Kenzo Nakamura

    Kenzo Nakamura


    Cheap Price with understandable facilities. The capsule I stay was at a corner of the room, and it does get kinda hot when let down the curtain.

  • Dillon Davis

    Dillon Davis


    The best capsule hotel I've been to after staying in Shinjuku three other times. Authentic feel, but still modern and updated. Staff speak English and it's in a good location for shopping, right off Ame-yoko-cho and walkable to both Okamachi and Ueno JR stations. The nearest metro station is a bit further. There are plenty of restaurants and izakaya at night.

  • Braden Z

    Braden Z


    Beside smoking gas in non-smoking capsule. Everything else is good

  • Dylan Lee

    Dylan Lee


    This capsule hotel can be quite intimidating at first with the amount of rules enforced (you must wear the provided robes, place your shoes in locker, leave your luggage at the front door, no females allowed etc). However, once you get past this it is a relatively clean and bizarrely interesting place to stay in Tokyo.

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