Oribuyama Hospital en Naha

JapónOribuyama Hospital



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒903-0804 Okinawa, Naha, Shuriishiminechō, 4-chōme, 356番地
contactos teléfono: +81 570-099-784
sitio web: oribuyama.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.2300355, Longitude: 127.7342949

comentarios 5




    I went there for my kid. Dr. Takigawa is patient. Calm and listened to me carefully.

  • 喜瀬



    Two years ago, my family was hospitalized at the Mount of Olives Hospital due to poor health. I was previously hospitalized at a municipal hospital, and was referred to Mount Olive Hospital by the municipal hospital...I was taking medicine 💊 after every meal while I was hospitalized, and when I asked the male staff for water because I was taking medicine 💊, he said, ``There's no water❗.'' This is a male staff member who calls a patient ``aunt.'' I think it's okay if I tell you my name.

  • 一斉藤



    I visited a psychiatrist. I just wanted the teacher in charge to understand my situation, but when I told him about my personality, he firmly told me that this was not the time to ask, and I was taken aback. It was a huge shock. I started to distrust humans even more. I donated 2,000 yen to the hospital and returned home. I won't be going again. The receptionist was a young office worker with a decent attitude, and if you hated your job that much, wouldn't it be better not to work at a hospital? Why is it there?

  • CA M

    CA M


    I came to this hospital when I was transferred from another hospital and I was very lucky to have such a very good doctor. I would like to thank all the staff and nurses for their kindness and care for me and the patients. The hospital is clean and I am confident that patients will be treated well. Thanks to the staff, I am now completely well.

  • 冬の旅人



    Not recommended for people who see a psychiatrist Due to its large size, there are multiple doctors in charge, and although the first doctor was kind and gentle, after being transferred to another doctor due to the hospital's reasons, he was treated with clerical, condescending, unreasonable scolding, and poor documentation. I was forced to move to another hospital on my own because I faced some pretty bad experiences, including lies and neglect. If you have a sensitive issue, doctors can be very hit or miss.

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