オリーブ歯科・矯正歯科 赤羽南口 w Kita City

Japoniaオリーブ歯科・矯正歯科 赤羽南口



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒115-0055 Tokyo, Kita City, Akabanenishi, 1-chōme−5−1 アピレ赤羽 2F
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5948-8241
strona internetowej: www.olive-dental.tokyo
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7770749, Longitude: 139.7206261

komentarze 5

  • 松浦明美



    The hospital was bright and clean, and the staff were very nice. I have regular checkups and cleanings once every four months, and I look forward to my next visit to the dentist.

  • Y M

    Y M


    Good access from the station It was easy to go even on a rainy day! The doctor and hygienist who took care of me? but Please explain carefully and clearly The cleaning made my teeth look great!

  • 大谷裕太



    The woman who was in charge of the cleaning was very thorough in her explanations and advice, which left a good impression. Relatively young male doctors are terrible. The treatment is sloppy and the equipment is hit on the lips and other areas other than the treated area. There was almost no explanation of the treatment, and when I asked a question, I was left alone thinking and trying to proceed without getting any answers. Probably because he doesn't want to get into trouble, but he doesn't even explain when he makes a mistake. I feel like the nurses are also making me feel anxious, and from the patient's point of view, it's quite unsettling.

  • 豊田朋子



    Thank you for your help with corrections. I was a little nervous before starting the treatment, but she gave me thorough and easy-to-understand explanations, and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind! I am very satisfied with the finished product as it turned out very well. Thank you very much 😊

  • tuki 25

    tuki 25


    I couldn't trust the staff, so I was watching the cleanup. I noticed that they reused towels to put on patients' faces. It's disgusting to reuse towels that have tooth fragments, blood, and saliva all over them... And all I was doing was wiping the tartar removal machine with alcohol. Could this cause an infection? I can't recommend it.

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