オレフィス矯正歯科 in Nagoya




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒460-0003 Aichi, Nagoya, Naka Ward, Nishiki, 2丁目19−21 広小路TNビル 8F
kontakte telefon: +81 52-231-3993
webseite: www.orefis.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1686859, Longitude: 136.9005164

kommentare 5

  • ダンテイホン



    The teachers are kind and the receptionists are also kind. As a non-Japanese person undergoing correction, I felt very at ease, and although my Japanese is still poor, the teacher explained things well.

  • あずき



    I have been going to this dentist for about 3 years, Currently, a device is installed to prevent backtracking. In addition to the careful treatment provided by the doctor, the staff are also kind and helpful in answering any questions you may have. At first I was reluctant to have my teeth pulled out, but I had a complex about it, and thought it would be a bad idea. I am glad that I went through the treatment with the plan that the doctor suggested! I also introduced it to a friend who was worried about the alignment of her teeth, and she is now getting her teeth straightened using insurance!

  • おぱんちゅ



    I decided to get my orthodontic treatment done at this dentist because it seemed like the most safe place to receive treatment after going to several free consultations! Both the receptionist and the hygienist were kind enough to explain things I didn't understand, and the doctor was as kind as I had heard, which was great. I think I will continue to go to this dentist! !

  • むーみ



    I was introduced to him by a friend, and I went for a consultation, and am currently going there for orthodontic treatment. From the time of the consultation, the director has a soft demeanor and is very personable in explaining things to me. I think they have amazing techniques, and I'm glad that Orefice Orthodontics was able to do it because it would cost a lot of money if the orthodontic treatment fails. The clinic has a very nice atmosphere and is easy to visit. I don't think there are any staff members who throw out patient tickets written by other people, and I have never felt that they treated me poorly. In the first place, I don't think it's possible to throw because partitions have been set up for the past few years due to the coronavirus pandemic. When cleaning your teeth, you can mainly focus on the area around the appliances. I go to a general dentist to have my teeth cleaned, so I don't really worry about it (^^)♪ Has the number of patients increased recently? I feel like this is why I recommend visiting the clinic on weekdays. I'm glad I chose this orthodontist, so I hope it will be helpful to others (*˙ᵕ˙ *)

  • Mario Nonkovikj

    Mario Nonkovikj


    Located very conveniently in the center of Nagoya. English-speaking and friendly staff. Strongly recommended.

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