Nakazato Dental Clinic in Nagoya

JapanNakazato Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1丁目-12-3 Tachibana, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0016, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 52-322-4180
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.153847, Longitude: 136.904963

kommentare 5

  • ハイビスカス沖縄



    We will help you with mouthpiece correction. As per the reputation, all the staff including the doctor had a good atmosphere, and even the slightest concerns were carefully addressed, so I was able to receive treatment with peace of mind. He seemed like a very thorough doctor, and I was satisfied with his explanations and treatment. This is a dentist that I would recommend to everyone in the area.

  • ひまわり花



    It's my first visit. The reservation process over the phone was polite, smooth, and helpful. Explanation of future treatment policy is easy to understand, and various requests are accommodated. The director treated me with compassion and provided thorough treatment and explanations. They are helpful because they respond to various requests. I look forward to working with you.




    Honestly, I don't want to give anything away. I thought both the nurses and teachers were beginners. I took the toothbrush off, but there was more blood than I expected. After returning home, he was in bed for two days with a high fever of unknown cause. If you don't have any experience, I think it's common sense to learn by working as an assistant. As with any industry, there is a glaring lack of coordination and awkwardness. I felt something strange about this dentist that I had never felt before. I don't want to go there again.

  • Rii



    I had whitening done as part of the reopening campaign. The hospital was clean and had a calm atmosphere. The treatment was thorough and he was careful to make sure there was no stain on my teeth. Despite the campaign, I was happy to see that the whitening effect was visible. Even though he was busy, he took the time to consult with me about orthodontics and was very helpful. I would like to continue going there in the future.

  • U Y

    U Y


    I visited for whitening as part of their reopening campaign. The clinic was clean and after whitening, I was very busy and was able to sincerely consult with me about my concerns about my middle teeth. He was very easy to talk to.

nächste Zahnarzt

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