Ore no Yakitori en Ota City

JapónOre no Yakitori



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒104-0061 Tokyo, Ota City, Kamata, 5-chōme−26−5 栄屋ビル 1階
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5710-3914
sitio web: www.oreno.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5623667, Longitude: 139.7202597

comentarios 5

  • Ryosuke Nakanishi

    Ryosuke Nakanishi


    We were impressed each drink and food taste good which is not less quality rather than Jaoanese traditional Izakaya, despite here is a franchise, chain branch under "Ore-no", means "my", line for business meaning. Anyway, I can recommend here to my foreighn friends if they hopefully visit Tokyo, especialky Kamata.

  • aLvin Yee

    aLvin Yee


    Very cozy atmosphere with good variety of delicious (seasonal) food and drink selections, with reasonable prices. Attentive, friendly and efficient services. Good location for couple or family dine out, as well as small group gathering. Often crowded, thus recommended to make reservation.

  • N.Macchan



    My expectation was too high. Nothing special. Normal yakitori izakaya whose drink is high cost perform.

  • Montse Sabaté

    Montse Sabaté


    The grilled meat skewers were high quality. However, the Japanese style foiegras with daikon radish was not a successful combination of flavours, and the sea urchin rissotto was too heavy and not so tasty. Not my favourite choice in the 俺の ("Ore no") restaurant series.

  • Alex Doub

    Alex Doub


    First of all, this place is a bit pricy. Be prepared to spend some money. They have a 300/yen charge PER PERSON just to come. And also a 1 drink minimum, and the drinks are like 500 yen. The meat itself is good, but just dont get their "big" skewers on the recommendations menu. Its like ~300 yen for one skewer and its not that big, probably 20% bigger than the cheap skewers. As for the cheap skewers, on the menu they have them listed for about ~200 yen for 2 skewers, which is actually a good deal. Long story short, just buy those cheap skewers on the inner menu. Oh yeah, they have an English menu too.

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