Onozato Dental Clinic i Maebashi

JapanOnozato Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒371-0844 Gunma, Maebashi, Furuichimachi, 180−1 フォレストモール新前橋内
kontakter telefon: +81 27-225-6611
internet side: www.onozato-shika.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.376423, Longitude: 139.045913

kommentar 5

  • かりん



    I was worried about my back teeth, so I consulted with him about implants in the future. We also have an implant specialist and a root canal treatment specialist, so it was great to be able to talk to them in detail. I would like to thank you for your kind response. We are fully equipped with the latest equipment such as CT scans, so we were able to conduct detailed examinations with peace of mind. Although it is a little far from my home, I will continue to ask for regular dental maintenance.

  • りいな



    Thank you for your continued support. The doctors, receptionists, and hygienists all listen to your concerns carefully and respond to your concerns. I also had my wisdom teeth removed, but they provided proper care after that, and I would like to continue coming here.

  • Yu- yan

    Yu- yan


    We will take care of you with implants! I had received a letter of introduction from another institution, but I wanted to meet the director here directly and entrust myself to the doctor who gave appropriate explanations and treated me with a smile. I decided to take care of you! I would like to thank all the teachers and staff for their continued support. I am grateful that I was able to find Onosato Dental Clinic, which has a very clean and pleasant hospital.

  • 古澤保彦



    We will always give you a thorough explanation before your treatment, so you can feel confident in your treatment. I have been working with him not only for dental treatment but also for whitening, and I am very satisfied because the results are exactly as I envisioned every time. The teachers and staff are also very kind, so I would like to continue to take care of them.

  • t “世界のみかんジュース” t

    t “世界のみかんジュース” t


    You will be notified of your regular checkups by postcard, so you don't forget to go. During the treatment, the explanations are thorough and there are other considerations that women would appreciate, such as putting a towel over your face. Another great point is that we incorporate the latest dental technology, such as Botox to prevent teeth cutting, ceramics, and in-office whitening!

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