Nomura Dental Clinic i Maebashi

JapanNomura Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒371-0016 Gunma, Maebashi, Jōtōmachi, 1-chōme−29−8
kontakter telefon: +81 27-231-5180
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.3940152, Longitude: 139.0786753

kommentar 5

  • David John Welsh

    David John Welsh


    Really helpful and kind!

  • まさまさ



    The service at the time of reservation was the worst. time to call It says please specify Despite this, I don't keep to the time given. on mail Could you please move the reservation time a little further? Even though I replied, they suggested a completely different date. Even if you email us your comments No apology. I know you're busy, but I thought the response was too complicated. You can make a reservation online I think it's convenient, but I'd like to know how to do it a little more. I think you should think about it.

  • S Tajima

    S Tajima


    I have been working with you for the past 5 years. The teachers and staff are all very kind. I also trust the treatment technology. I think it's a very good dental clinic.

  • 名前などない



    The staff was kind, had good technique, and took the time to explain the treatment. I visited the hospital for the first time in 2 years in 2020, and the equipment was updated and they found hidden cavities.

  • 人辞め木村氏



    We will explain in advance which tooth is bad and the risks if that tooth is not treated. Best of all, all the staff are kind and courteous. I am very happy that he takes care of the pain of the treatment beforehand. I think it's rare to find a dentist that is so easy to go to.

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