Fontana i Fukuoka




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4-chōme-8-28 Watanabedōri, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0004, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-732-6678
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5863647, Longitude: 130.4019165

kommentar 5

  • Emi S

    Emi S


    There is emotion in every bite. There were many dishes. From now on, what about meals with loved ones? I would like to choose this place.

  • Angel Chang

    Angel Chang


    Absolutely love it☺️ Lovely staff, professional explanation, good vibe in the restaurant ❤️

  • ラッキーランちゃん



    A high-class Italian restaurant. I had a course meal for lunch. They used ingredients grown in Kyushu and were very delicious. For the main dish, I chose grunt caught off the coast of Itoshima. I hope I can go again.

  • Sylvester Choy

    Sylvester Choy


    Went there twice, once for lunch and once for dinner, and the food was different both times. But the food and service were both extremely satisfactory both times. Every food from the appetizer to the dessert is very delicious. Regardless of the ingredients, combinations, sauces, decorations, and even the utensils, I feel that the chefs select and handle them with great care. The most impressive dish of the dish: 4 kinds of tomatoes with Kyoho raisins, jelly base and mozzarella mousse, the dish can taste 4 kinds of flavors, it’s amazing. Combined with the attentive service and elegant environment, it is an unforgettable meal. I will definitely go there again if I have the chance to go to Fukuoka. Highly recommended.

  • taka miya

    taka miya


    This is the store I was originally interested in. The entrance had a luxurious feel to it, so I was nervous, but the staff were all friendly in a good way, so I was able to relax. The cuisine also incorporates many ingredients grown in Fukuoka, making it ideal for entertaining guests from outside the prefecture. There were many original dishes starting from the appetizers, so I was able to enjoy them until the end without getting bored. Of course, everything was delicious, especially the focaccia, which was the first time I had eaten something so chewy. (I ended up eating three...) As for the staff members, their explanations of each dish are never just plain reading, but sometimes break it down to make it easier to understand. Also, when I was looking at the tableware and the inside of the store, the staff was very attentive and immediately explained things to my table. The course structure and service can never be found in Tokyo at this price. I think the cost performance is quite good.

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