Omuta City Hospital en Omuta

JapónOmuta City Hospital


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2-chōme-19-1 Takarazakamachi, Omuta, Fukuoka 836-8567, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 944-53-1061
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Latitude: 33.0242391, Longitude: 130.4456176

comentarios 5

  • ポヨヨンスラリン



    The nurse and female doctor who gave me the health check were very kind and I was a little nervous. (´;ω;`) Because of some nurses and terrible teachers, his reputation has dropped, and even if he's smart, if his personality isn't enough, he doesn't have the qualifications to be a doctor. If you're looking down on people, you idiot doctors should do it on their own, it's a nuisance to other talented people and people who are working hard.

  • いし



    My mother was rushed to the hospital with a cerebral hemorrhage, and although she survived, her stay in the hospital from then on was extremely grueling. My mother, who was paralyzed due to a cerebral hemorrhage, wanted to go to the bathroom and called the nurse, but she went to the bathroom. I felt really bad because he was making fun of me and talking to me in a way that was inappropriate for children. To make matters worse, a blood clot had formed in the leg that had been paralyzed, and when it was discovered, it was said to have traveled to the lungs and was dangerous. As far as I know, my leg has been swollen for at least 4 days, but when I asked why they were taking so long to treat it, they said, ``Outpatient treatment is priority...'' So I don't think there's any point in being hospitalized, and I have nothing but trust in this hospital.

  • 山本孝則



    I arrived at the cardiology department at the appointed time to listen to a family explanation about a patient's condition, but I had to wait for two hours. I don't know if this is a normal response given the anxiety and worry about the life and death of a family member, but when I protested, there was a waiting order for the patient to see the doctor.Not a single staff member thought about the feeling of having to wait for 2 hours when I came to hear about the family's explanation. Maybe he wasn't there, but when I finally entered the exam room, he didn't say anything to keep me waiting, and even though it was my first time meeting him, he didn't introduce himself, and it ended with a completely different explanation for about 10 minutes, and I recorded that I had talked to him to protect myself in case something happened later. All I felt was leaving it behind. Rather than a popular teacher, I would like my family to be someone who cares more about other people's feelings.

  • Ichigo to momo

    Ichigo to momo


    The nurses here are really scary. There are also too many misdiagnoses. Teachers coming from outside! It's very good, but the teachers here are not nice. I think it would be better to study morality a little more.

  • Mt Ak

    Mt Ak


    The patient was rushed to the hospital from another maternity hospital and underwent an emergency caesarean section due to preeclampsia. After returning home, the baby was born through an unexpected caesarean section, and the baby suffered from transient tachypnea and was transferred to Kurume University. I was worried, but with the daily encouragement of the nurses and the support of the doctor, mother and baby were able to leave the hospital safely. is completed. Even after giving birth, I was suffering from lack of sleep, anxiety over childcare, and poor physical condition, so I'm really glad I gave birth at a general hospital because I was able to use the postpartum care project and consult with many specialists. I was suffering from severe morning sickness and there was no one around me who was in the same situation as me, so I was lonely and had no one to talk to about my anxiety.I overcame a pregnancy that seemed to destroy my mental and physical balance, and with the help and encouragement of many people, I was able to give birth to my child. I am grateful. By the way, if you are hospitalized here, your bowel movements will improve and you can go home. If I were to give birth again, I would want to give birth here, and I would even want to live here.It is a 5 star place. Thank you to all the medical staff and everyone involved.

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