Ōmura Hospital en Ichikawa

JapónŌmura Hospital


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4-chōme-14-2 Minamiyawata, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 47-377-3111
sitio web: www.o-heiseikai.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7187374, Longitude: 139.9255471

comentarios 5

  • K O

    K O


    The response is too poor. I couldn't sleep properly due to my cough and runny nose, so I called and asked to see a doctor. They told me to try something with over-the-counter medicine. I told him that if over-the-counter medicine doesn't make him better, he should see a doctor. She refused the diagnosis, saying, ``There's no difference between prescribed medicines and over-the-counter medicines.'' If you really want to see a doctor, you may have to wait outside for several hours, but if you don't mind, go ahead! I was surprised by the unbelievable answer. I am writing this review so that fewer people will have to experience the same thing.

  • 有馬和宏



    As others have written, the phone support is terrible. It was a young-looking woman, but she hung up on me after being told in an overbearing manner that she was no longer accepting medical examinations for colds. The teachers and staff at the hospital are good people, so I think they should review their telephone handling. So I took the time to give it 3 stars.

  • 感涙



    Waiting for an hour to get a number ticket with a fever...Nothing progresses, and it's a torture to make a person with a fever, whose body temperature is not that different, wait outside in such a scorching sun. Moreover, I was heartbroken because the person who came after me got tested first. Why do people who come later get priority? age? sex? Should the elderly be given priority? I was worried because I had received a lot of bad reviews about my phone handling and office work, but this was an issue before that. ``Young'' and ``female'' are put on the back burner.

  • よしぞー



    This is a hospital located at the south exit of Motoyahata♪ I went to consult about a medical treatment issue 😃 Please kindly tell me various things. I am very grateful to you!

  • chihiro s

    chihiro s


    This is my impression of the health checkup center. The staff for the items I received were all women, which made me feel at ease. In particular, I was glad that the same female doctor examined my breast cancer and cervical cancer. The process went smoothly with little waiting time, so I would like to take the test here again next year. The changing rooms are small, so you might want to wear clothes that are easy to change into. As soon as you open the door, you will be in a locker, so please be careful when entering and exiting.

El hospital más cercano

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