International University Of Health & Welfare Ichikawa Hospital en Ichikawa

JapónInternational University Of Health & Welfare Ichikawa Hospital


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6-chōme-1-14 Kounodai, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0827, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 47-375-1111
sitio web:
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Latitude: 35.7575857, Longitude: 139.9018944

comentarios 5

  • The Sun

    The Sun


    I visited the outpatient clinic for fever. Flu and coronavirus tests will be conducted outside in a tent. If it is positive, you will be asked to see a doctor outside. I tested negative, so I was examined by the internal medicine department at the hospital. The wait time was about 40 minutes and I was physically tired. . I ended up having to take an X-ray, and even after the X-ray was done, I had to wait even longer at the doctor's office. . . Nowadays, there are hospitals with such long wait times. . . . I thought. I'm not sure if the problem is with the system, but the doctor will take a careful look at it. It took about 2 hours and 45 minutes to receive the reception, test, test results, examination, X-rays, examination, payment, and receive the medicine. It was a tough 3 hours.

  • Steven Bara

    Steven Bara


    It's been 5 years since I came to Japan, and I have a health checkup once every 5 years. I usually have it done at the office, but this time I requested a gastrocamera. Since I already know I have a hernia, it's easier and better to do a drug test. Two other diagnoses came out, which is a good thing (not relevant to me, but relevant to testing 😅). He also underwent a head MRI and cancer marker tests. The hospital near my home wouldn't even allow me to take a test because I was a foreigner. However, the staff at this hospital were very kind and the procedure was very smooth. The results were very comprehensive and the explanations made it easy to understand. It is also conveniently accessible by public transportation.

  • Janelle Moross

    Janelle Moross


    Annual check up for insurance. Very well organized and clean center with friendly staff.

  • Barnabas



    This is a beautiful hospital! The staff at the health center are great!

  • Elizabeth Yamazaki

    Elizabeth Yamazaki



El hospital más cercano

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