Omaezaki Youth Hostel in Omaezaki

JapanOmaezaki Youth Hostel


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43-7 Omaezaki, Shizuoka 437-1621, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 548-63-4518
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5982549, Longitude: 138.222665

kommentare 5

  • こじさい(こじろう)



    The owner's response was the worst. You don't want Japanese people to stay there, do you?It made sense that there were no other guests.

  • tk89 awo

    tk89 awo


    Even if we made a reservation around noon on the same day, we were able to have a delicious meal prepared for us. I was a little worried that the facilities were old, but it was a nice and quiet place.

  • tatsuya miyamoto

    tatsuya miyamoto


    The facility is old but under the friendly owner. , I had a relaxing time. This summer was extremely hot and I was worried about the air conditioner installed in the room, but it worked well enough and I was able to sleep comfortably. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.

  • Moritz



    Nice owner, nothing going on here at this time of the year. Area super nice, sunset spot around the corner (~200m)

  • Atusi Tamuta

    Atusi Tamuta


    When you pass through the grass tunnel, you will see the sea with a beautiful sunset right in front of you. I had a single room and was able to stay comfortably. Personally, I was impressed with the wood stove.

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