Ōkubo Hospital i Shinjuku City

JapanŌkubo Hospital


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2-chōme-44-1 Kabukichō, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-8488, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5273-7711
internet side: www.tmhp.jp
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Latitude: 35.6971265, Longitude: 139.7015092

kommentar 5

  • JT Tay

    JT Tay


    had high fever and chest pain but was rejected at the emergency department door! utterly shocked at this hospital and it’s ER staff and had to call an ambulance before getting into another hospital. Even the 119 was surprised that this hospital doesnt want to admit me in will give 0 stars if possible

  • Alvin Chrome

    Alvin Chrome


    They provided help to me in English through the use of translators. I had a really bad sore throat, coughing and a fever. After about 2 hours I was able to pick up medicine from a nearby pharmacy to help alleviate my symptoms. I wish I had gone here sooner.

  • Leong Wilbert

    Leong Wilbert


    Had a very bad food poisoning and went in. They turned me away and asked me to call a list of numbers for reccomendations for clincis insteads. What if we do not have Japan lines toncall? Very anti foreigners. First order of business upon entering was to check if we had enough money.

  • Craig Dandridge

    Craig Dandridge


    Ōkubo Hospital is an older hospital with seemingly overly bureaucratic systems that are in place to prevent medical mixups and keep track of costs. Overall, things run fairly smoothly here and you can expect to be treated well. So please be patient with the staff—they’re usually doing their best within system guidelines. Like most large hospitals in Japan, you need an introduction/recommendation letter from another doctor to become a regular patient here. Unlike hospitals in the United States, you usually can’t just show up to hospitals in Japan and expect to get an appointment to see a physician. If you’re feeling poorly or just simply want to consult a doctor about an issue, you should first go to a smaller clinic that specializes in the area of medicine that suits your needs—there are many clinics in this area offering such services. Most medical clinics in this area have websites for making appointments and doctors or nurses who speak other languages. Also, these medical clinics are small enough that you can also get basic information about how to access their medical services by dropping by or calling. If the medical clinic doctor can’t treat you or believes you should see a specialist at this hospital, they will then write you a letter of introduction that you can use to get an appointment here. Please note that the introduction letter will be enclosed in a sealed envelope, and that you won’t be able to read the contents of the letter.

  • Rodney Crosby

    Rodney Crosby


    We went to this hospital after I had been ill for a number of days. We were on holiday and only speak English. The amazing hospital staff were very quick to obtain an English translator on Skype and assist us in explaining the issues and obtaining medical assistance. We did not have to wait for very long and found the staff to be very helpful, kind and empathetic.

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